Saturday, February 25, 2012

What's New???

I'm back at the Y catching up on the gossip and trying to catch my breath again after fighting this cold for the past week or more. Sometimes I'm speechless.

Not because I'm shocked by what I hear! Oh no, this blog and the gossip aren't THAT good. It's just that my brain is still addled and my nose is still stuffed, so my response to most things is to stare at people with my mouth hanging open wishing I had a tissue. It's VERY attractive.

But the sales are good so the gals have been showing up with new clothes - always fun to show off and brag about all the money we saved spending money! I got a great new pair of Pikolino boots at Little Bug's inventory sale last week. I LOVE them, they are very cool, and they take attention away from my head so my red nose is less obvious. I also went to Penny's on Friday and they had coats on sale for $10.00. BUY TWO. I did. Blue Towel was showing off pants from Talbot's Outlet - $10.00 each. BUY TWO. She did. But the best was Puppy Sweet Cheek's new Genie Bra, which she modeled for us very professionally in the locker room this week. $10.00 at WalMart. Too bad she had to cover it with a shirt. It was soft and lovely. Yes, boys, DROOL. The ladies can stare at each other's chests without even thinking there might be tits under there.

I've set the bar pretty low this week as far as my workouts are concerned. I tried my first jog on the dreadmill on Thursday and all I could think was "WOW nothing hurts." Not "WOW what a great run." Maybe my bod needed a break. But I'm getting stronger and I actually had a nice converation with Tinkerbell this morning, including words and everything. We are both looking forward to biking outside again. And it won't be long. My tulips are starting to come up in the garden. Spring is coming and everything will feel new again, and I look forward to actually being able to smell the roses.

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