Saturday, October 1, 2011

Carried AwaY with a Capital Y

Of course You all know that I'm alwaYs the Picture of Restraint. Except when it's partY time.

I had THREE glasses of wine on MondaY night. I was carried awaY by Your love and smiles and hugs and generositY. Well, not literallY, but close. One more glass of wine would have cinched it.

So I'm half waY to 100. TuesdaY I celebrated this fact bY "Doing the Straps" at 5:00 a.m. with Cookie and M&M. This is also about restraint: You use these wall straps and Your personal gravitY to enhance squats, lunges, and upper bodY toning. HAH, You saY! Even if You so rightlY point out that bY the looks of me I have less "gravitY" than most, when I'm high as a kite it's hard to tell if I'm floating, have the spins or if I'm going to do a face plant. It was fun. However, I have been informed that one cannot use these precious, sought after, highlY specialized pieces of complicated equipment unless You PAY FOR TRAINING. OK: now I'd like to use these straps to tie the people up that decided that theY can onlY be used bY those with more moneY than those of us that like to partY. WhY paY extra to find out that the equipment is lame??? I found that out for free.

It was fun breaking the rules.

Speaking of being carried awaY, there are so manY f*%^ing mosquitos out there in the real world beYond the Y walls and mY car and the window of mY office that the last time I was outside for more than 30 seconds I was literallY lifted off the ground, twirled around a few times, and deposited at mY mailbox with no less than 3000 bloodY itchY little bites (and all I had was junk mail). I went out for a long bike ride last SundaY and everY time I stopped for more than 2 seconds, like, for a red light, I got bit up. Mosquitos suck. Pun intended. I can't wait for COLD WEATHER. Smack me if You can reach me, if You are mad at me for wishing for winter, but at least You might kill a mosquito at the same time.

I hope I don't get too carried awaY worrYing about Poobah and Stitch. I don't know how P is doing and I miss him terriblY. I'm sad theY won't be coming to the Y anYmore and I hope no creepY angel carries them awaY anY time soon. Being at the Y without Poobah is like eating a bagel without cream cheese. And now I'm hungrY. So much for restraint. Pass the jellY.

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