Friday, November 26, 2010

Tips for Not Overeating

As we all fight to lose a few pounds before the holidays (and before we see the family, thus, hopefully, attenuating their chances of telling us we've put on a few pounds since the last get together), we know the real driving force to those extra long workouts is really to eat more (and drink more) than we usually do without ballooning.

There is an abundance of good advice out there for not overeating. Here are some of my favorites, qualified with some advice of my own (not always good advice, FYI):

  • Drink at least two glasses of water before eating. According to an August 23 report from the American Chemical Society, over the course of 12 weeks dieters who drank water before meals, 3 times a day, lost about 5 pounds more than dieters who did not increase their water intake. Alternatively, I suggest that if you happen to eat only one huge meal and drink way too much wine that you should drink at least 6 glasses of water after indulging yourself so you don't get sick from being dehydrated, another serious health risk we ALL want to avoid, right?
  • Limit your eating to one plate. I can pile up a dinner plate pretty high. I'm sure you can too. Of course this means you get to eat as many appetizers as possible, as long as you only use a cocktail napkin, toothpick, or fingers. I suggest if you take a bite out of a before dinner treat that you don't like just put the uneaten part back on the tray. You will certainly eat less this way, and so will your friends and family.
  • Stick to eating raw veggies before dinner. Let's see, what shall I have? Shrimp cocktail? Bacon wrapped scallops? Camembert? NO - I'll have a carrot stick! Please pass the dip.
  • Wear tight fitted clothing. They are tight fitting: that's the problem! I suggest you wear something loose. It will get tighter, trust me, and you'll be able to breathe, which is good.
  • Slow down. You have ALL AFTERNOON to eat. So slow down!
  • Only eat the foods that you enjoy most and avoid the ones you don't. The catch is: I like it all! This is stupid advice.
  • Get active after dinner. Yes, of course! After I clear the table, do the dishes, put the leftovers away, start the stock, finish off the bottle, and finally sit down after cooking and cleaning and bustling all day, that's exactly what I'm going to do with my stuffed body! NOT. Actually, I can't even see my feet. Pass the clicker.

The Y was open from 8 to 12 on Thanksgiving Day but I opted for a walk in the woods instead. It was lovely, except I didn't get signed up for spinning class next week, which sucks. Today, Black Friday, there were all kinds of folks on the road at 5:30 a.m. I couldn't figure out why, at first. I blame the wine. Anyway, despite the mild hangover and dehydration I had a great little workout. Gotta finish those leftovers.

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